Results for 'Gonzalo García Montaño'

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  1.  38
    A New Look to a Classic Issue: Reasoning and Academic Achievement at Secondary School.Isabel Gómez-Veiga, José O. Vila Chaves, Gonzalo Duque & Juan A. García Madruga - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    El aspecto lógico del problema de marco y sus implicancias: razonamiento temporal y relevancia.María Inés Silenzi & Luis Gonzalo García García - 2022 - Praxis Filosófica 55:69-90.
    Aunque el denominado problema de marco generó múltiples debates a finales del siglo pasado, aún es un problema fundamental para el avance en las Ciencias Cognitivas, en general, y para la Inteligencia Artificial, en particular. En este trabajo, y restringiéndonos al aspecto lógico del problema, postulamos que la discusión actual y subyacente a este aspecto gira en torno a cómo determinar lo que no cambia en términos de acciones y propiedades dentro de un sistema lógico formal. Es sobre este aspecto, (...)
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    Who Achieves What? The Subjective Dimension of the Objective Goods of Life Extension in the Ethics of Digital Doppelgängers.Joan Llorca Albareda, Gonzalo Díaz-Cobacho & Pablo García-Barranquero - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):134-137.
    Iglesias et al. (2025) present a suggestive argument in favor of life extension through digital doppelgängers. Their position can be summarized in two argumentative stages: i) we are to some extent...
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    Is ageing undesirable? An ethical analysis.Pablo García-Barranquero, Joan Llorca Albareda & Gonzalo Díaz-Cobacho - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (6):413-419.
    The technical possibilities of biomedicine open up the opportunity to intervene in ageing itself with the aim of mitigating, reducing or eliminating it. However, before undertaking these changes or rejecting them outright, it is necessary to ask ourselves if what would be lost by doing so really has much value. This article will analyse the desirability of ageing from an individual point of view, without circumscribing this question to the desirability or undesirability of death. First, we will present the three (...)
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    Horkheimer, lector del positivismo. Un análisis crítico de la interpretación horkheimeriana del positivismo en sus textos tempranos.Adriana Gonzalo & Paula García Cherep - 2019 - Dianoia 64 (83):49-77.
    Resumen Este trabajo reconstruye la caracterización de “positivismo” en tres obras centrales de Horkheimer. Se afirma que, en el uso del término, Horkheimer incurre en una doble equivocidad, pues lo utiliza indistintamente para referirse al positivismo decimonónico y al del siglo XX; además, no reconoce las diferencias internas entre las posiciones de los positivistas contemporáneos. Asimismo, se muestra que muchos rasgos que se consignan como propios del positivismo del siglo XX no tienen justificación en los textos de esa tradición, de (...)
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    Is ageing still undesirable? A reply to Räsänen.Pablo García-Barranquero, Joan Llorca Albareda & Gonzalo Díaz-Cobacho - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (6):427-428.
    We have recently stated the reasons why we claim that biological ageing is undesirable. Räsänen has responded to our article by arguing that this process has certain desirable aspects and, therefore, our position is inconsistent. Räsänen develops two arguments to defend his position. We will call the first the argument from the totality of the ageing process and the second the argument from the reduced goods of the ageing process. In this reply, we will give reasons to show that both (...)
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    ¿Cómo pensar el arte? Valoración estética: ¿quién decide y con qué criterio?Gonzalo García - 2019 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 17:189-200.
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    El último y fracasado intento de la Orden Jerónima por recuperar el Monasterio del Escorial.Gonzalo Díaz García - 2011 - Ciudad de Dios 224 (3):733-741.
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    ¿ Fue Pedro Abelardo un extremista moral?Gonzalo Mata García - 2011 - Endoxa 28:99.
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    Tratado inédito de Santo Tomás de Villanueva sobre la Eucaristía.Gonzalo Díaz García - 2004 - Ciudad de Dios 217 (1):5-104.
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    Understanding Rejection between First-and-Second-Grade Elementary Students through Reasons Expressed by Rejecters.Francisco J. García Bacete, Virginia E. Carrero Planes, Ghislaine Marande Perrin & Gonzalo Musitu Ochoa - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    A support vector regression model for time series forecasting of the COMEX copper spot price.Esperanza García-Gonzalo, Paulino José García Nieto, Javier Gracia Rodríguez, Fernando Sánchez Lasheras & Gregorio Fidalgo Valverde - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (4):775-784.
    The price of copper is unstable but it is considered an important indicator of the global economy. Changes in the price of copper point to higher global growth or an impending recession. In this work, the forecasting of the spot prices of copper from the New York Commodity Exchange is studied using a machine learning method, support vector regression coupled with different model schemas (recursive, direct and hybrid multi-step). Using these techniques, three different time series analyses are built and its (...)
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  13. Conflictos por la caza entre la Comunidad jerónima de San Lorenzo el Real de El Escorial y la monarquía de los Austrias.Gonzalo Díaz García - 2006 - Ciudad de Dios 219 (3):765-807.
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  14. Esculpir con tres golpes. Entrevista con Paulino Viota.Gonzalo García Pino - 2011 - Minerva: Evidence-Based Medicine pour la première ligne 4 (16):77-83.
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    Restructuring university degree programmes: a new opportunity for ethics education?Juan Escámez, Rafaela García López & Gonzalo Jover - 2008 - Journal of Moral Education 37 (1):41-53.
    This article explores the possibilities of reinforcing ethics education at the university level within the context of new internationalisation processes. The situation in Spain is used as a case study. The article begins with a review of the rationale behind this issue and goes on to analyse the place of the ethical dimension in education in the proposals for adapting Spanish university degree programmes to the European Higher Education Area. Fieldwork carried out at three higher education institutions reveals that, while (...)
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  16. Donation after cardiocirculatory death: a call for a moratorium pending full public disclosure and fully informed consent.Ari R. Joffe, Joe Carcillo, Natalie Anton, Allan deCaen, Yong Y. Han, Michael J. Bell, Frank A. Maffei, John Sullivan, James Thomas & Gonzalo Garcia-Guerra - 2011 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 6:17.
    Many believe that the ethical problems of donation after cardiocirculatory death (DCD) have been "worked out" and that it is unclear why DCD should be resisted. In this paper we will argue that DCD donors may not yet be dead, and therefore that organ donation during DCD may violate the dead donor rule. We first present a description of the process of DCD and the standard ethical rationale for the practice. We then present our concerns with DCD, including the following: (...)
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    Religious Perspectives on Human Vulnerability in Bioethics.Joseph Tham, Alberto Garcia & Gonzalo Miranda (eds.) - 2014 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    With the advance of biomedicine, certain individuals and groups are vulnerable because of their incapacities to defend themselves. The International Bioethics Committee as a UNESCO working group has for the last several years dedicated to deepen this principle of human vulnerability and personal integrity. This book serves to supplement this effort with a religious perspective given a great number of the world's population is affiliated with some religious traditions. While there is diversity within each of these traditions, all of them (...)
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    Application of Supervised Machine Learning for Behavioral Biomarkers of Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on Electrodermal Activity and Virtual Reality.Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Irene Alice Chicchi Giglioli, Javier Marín-Morales, Juan L. Higuera-Trujillo, Elena Olmos, Maria E. Minissi, Gonzalo Teruel Garcia, Marian Sirera & Luis Abad - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  19.  27
    Neoliberalismo, ideología y covid-19: un análisis desde la perspectiva de Slavoj Žižek.Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo, Jamadier Uribe Muñoz, Jairo Gallo Acosta, Rodrigo Aguilera Hunt, Luis Roca Jusmet, Florencia Fernández, Francisco García Manzor, Gonzalo Salas & Jesús Ayala-Colqui - 2023 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 70:131-154.
    El artículo aborda la pandemia del covid-19 como elemento contingente y su efecto de develamiento respecto de algunas manifestaciones contemporáneas de la ideología neoliberal en Latinoamérica. De esta forma, en base a conceptos filosóficos y psicoanalíticos de orientación lacaniana planteados fundamentalmente por Slavoj Žižek, se examinan los usos críticos de la noción de ideología en sus diversas manifestaciones: miedo al otro, imposición de la lógica del empresario de sí, destrucción de lazos sociales, extractivismo de recursos naturales y fetichización de los (...)
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    Understanding the concept of compassion from the perspectives of nurses.Ángela María Ortega-Galán, Esteban Pérez-García, Gonzalo Brito-Pons, Juan Diego Ramos-Pichardo, María Inés Carmona-Rega & María Dolores Ruiz-Fernández - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (6):996-1009.
    Background: The high level of satisfaction of users of a health service is largely due to the fact that they receive excellent care from healthcare professionals. Compassionate care is an essential component of excellent care. But what do nurses understand compassion to be? Research objectives: To analyse the concept of compassion from the perspective of nurses in the Andalusian Public Health System, Spain. Research design: This is a qualitative study following the grounded theory model. Four focus groups and 25 in-depth (...)
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  21.  14
    Olga Belmonte García, Víctimas e ilesos. Ensayos sobre la resistencia ética, Barcelona: Herder, 2022.Gonzalo Méndez Castañeda - 2023 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 40 (3):667-668.
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    Dielectric anomalous response of water at 60 °C.Juan C. del Valle, Enrique Camarillo, Laura Martinez Maestro, Julio A. Gonzalo, Carmen Aragó, Manuel Marqués, Daniel Jaque, Ginés Lifante, José García Solé, Karla Santacruz-Gómez, Roberto C. Carrillo-Torres & Francisco Jaque - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (7):683-690.
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    Lifetime Mental Health Problems in Adult Lower Secondary Education: A Student Survey.Maite Aznárez-Sanado, Raquel Artuch-Garde, Sarah Carrica-Ochoa, Carlos García-Roda, Araceli Arellano, David Ramírez-Castillo & Gonzalo Arrondo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The effect of stereotypes and prejudices regarding gender roles on the relation between nurses and “Muslim fathers” in health institutions within the Community of Madrid.Juan Luis González-Pascual, Laura Esteban-Gonzalo, Marta Rodríguez-García, Sagrario Gómez-Cantarino & Manuel Moreno-Preciado - 2017 - Nursing Inquiry 24 (4):e12194.
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    Elena García Guittán: El pensamiento político de Isaiah Berlin. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales 2001, 253 pp. [REVIEW]Gonzalo Gamio - 2003 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 5:105-107.
  26. Paideia y humanistas en los "Milagros de Nuetra Señora" de Gonzalo de Berceo.César García Álvarez - 1989 - Revista Agustiniana 30 (93):559-621.
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  27. La asimilación del morisco don Gonzalo Fernández el Zegrí: edición y análisis de su testamento.Amalia García Pedraza - 1995 - Al-Qantara 16 (1):41-58.
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  28. Paideia y humanitas en los Milagros de Nuestra Senora de Gonzalo de Berceo. Una reflexion semantica sobre el Milagro XXIII, de tema bizantino.C. Garcia Alvarez - 1989 - Revista Agustiniana 30 (93):589-621.
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    From Essex to Melville. Re-writing the myth of the white whale in the graphic novel Mocha Dick.David García-Reyes - 2018 - Alpha (Osorno) 47:91-104.
    Resumen La imagen de Moby Dick de Herman Melville, novela fundacional de la narrativa estadounidense, tiene su origen en las costas del sur chileno. El repertorio precedente de la obra literaria propuesto por Wolfgang Iser presenta un proceso en el que se producen diferentes versiones del mito. La novela gráfica Mocha Dick, con textos de Francisco Ortega y dibujos de Gonzalo Martínez, es una de esas versiones. La historieta chilena plantea un diálogo con los textos precedentes y propone una (...)
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    Estrategia didáctica para fortalecer las habilidades comunicativas en los estudiantes policiales, con extensión a estudiantes del sector rural de Sibaté en Cundinamarca (Colombia).Lucy Alcira Montoya Párraga, Juan José García Sarria & Armando González Cortés - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (3):1-11.
    La didáctica se ejecuta con estudiantes policiales de la Escuela de Suboficiales y Nivel Ejecutivo Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada, los cuales multiplicaran a los estudiantes rurales del municipio de Sibaté.El propósito del proyecto fue diseñar una estrategia didáctico pedagógica que permita fortalecer las Habilidades Comunicativas implementando la lectoescritura, en los estudiantes policiales y a la vez a los estudiantes de las Instituciones Educativas Rurales de Sibaté Cundinamarca. Metodológicamente, el proyecto se realizó mediante el enfoque cualitativo de carácter etnográfico. En (...)
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    Facial attractiveness impressions precede trustworthiness inferences: lower detection thresholds and faster decision latencies.Aida Gutiérrez-García, David Beltrán & Manuel G. Calvo - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (2):378-385.
    ABSTRACTPrior research has found a relationship between perceived facial attractiveness and perceived personal trustworthiness. We examined the time course of attractiveness relative to trustworthiness evaluation of emotional and neutral faces. This served to explore whether attractiveness might be used as an easily accessible cue and a quick shortcut for judging trustworthiness. Detection thresholds and judgment latencies as a function of expressive intensity were measured. Significant correlations between attractiveness and trustworthiness consistently held for six emotional expressions at four intensities, and neutral (...)
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  32. Norms of Fiction-Making.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2013 - British Journal of Aesthetics 53 (3):339-357.
    I provide a variation on ideas presented by Walton and Currie, elaborating the view that fictive utterances are characterized by a specific form of illocutionary force in the family of directives – a proposal or invitation to imagine. I make some points on the relation between the proposal and the current debates on intentionalist and conventionalist views, and I discuss interesting recent objections made by Stacie Friend to the related, but crucially different, Gricean view of such force advanced by Currie (...)
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    Antecedentes históricos de la subversión universal..Gonzalo Torrente Ballester - 1939 - Barcelona: [Editora Nacional].
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    La Generación del 98 e Hispanoamérica.Gonzalo Torrente Ballester - 2003 - Arbor 174 (687-688):463-473.
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    Visual art and metaphors in complex knowledge representation.Felipe Lara-Garcia & Felipe Lara-Rosano - 1999 - Semiotica 125 (1-3):181-186.
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    Datafeudalism: The Domination of Modern Societies by Big Tech Companies.Carlos Saura García - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (3):1-18.
    This article critically examines the domination exerted by big digital companies on the current social, economic, and political context of modern societies, with a particular focus on the implications for the proper functioning of democracy. The objective of this article is to introduce and develop the concept of datafeudalism, expose its emergence for the proper functioning of modern societies and democracy, and to propose courses of action to reverse this situation. To achieve this purpose, firstly, the evolution from surveillance capitalism (...)
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    David buscó el rostro de Yahweh.O. García de la Fuente - 1968 - Augustinianum 8 (3):477-540.
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    Legality, Legitimacy, and Democratic Constitution Making: A. Arato, Post Sovereign Constitution Making: Learning and Legitimacy. OUP, 2016; A. Arato, The Adventures of the Constituent Power: Beyond Revolutions? CUP, 2017; J. Colón-Ríos, Weak Constitutionalism: Democratic Legitimacy and the Question of the Constituent Power. Routledge, 2012.Nicolás Figueroa García-Herreros - 2019 - Jus Cogens 1 (1):97-109.
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    Would You Think What You Would Not Live?Michael Roy Hames-García - 2021 - Journal of World Philosophies 6 (2):230-241.
    María Lugones was a feminist philosopher whose work spanned four decades, two continents, and multiple languages. Over the course of her career, her writing made major contributions to feminist ethics, the philosophy of race, lesbian epistemology, and decolonial thought. She passed away on July 14, 2020, after many years of poor health, leaving behind an influential legacy and a substantial body of unpublished work.
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  40. The Deferred Ostension Theory of Quotation.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2004 - Noûs 38 (4):674 - 692.
    I defend a Deferred Ostension view of quotation, on which quotation-marks are the linguistic bearers of reference, functioning like a demonstrative; the quoted material merely plays the role of a demonstratum. On this view, the quoted material works like Nunberg’s indexes in his account of deferred ostensión in general. The referent is obtained through some contextually suggested relation; in the default case the relation will be … instantiates the linguistic type __, but there are other possibilities. In this way, the (...)
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    Descripción diacrónica de la construcción discursiva de discapacidad: los Censos en México / Diachronic description of the discursive construction of “disability”: The Census in Mexico.Brenda Araceli Bustos García & María Eugenia Flores Treviña - 2013 - Pragmática Sociocultural 1 (2):227-250.
    Resumen Nombrar implica ejercer el poder sobre lo nombrado, involucra coacción y coerción social. La atribución de nombres, adjetivos, designaciones, favorece la taxonomía cognitiva, pero también socio-ideológico-cultural. Cuando una Institución al servicio del Estado nomina, esas denominaciones tienen consecuencias en los sujetos nombrados. En México, a través de las prácticas semiótico- discursivas se llevó a cabo esta edificación del concepto de discapacidad con importantes implicaciones. El objetivo de este artículo es describir la construcción discursiva, a través de la historia de (...)
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  42.  15
    Tendencias acerca del concepto de los espacios educativos.María Encarnación Caballero-García, Beatriz Peña-Acuña & Diego Retana-Alvarado - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-10.
    La concepción de los espacios educativos se genera dentro de una sociedad tecnológica afanada en preparar al alumnado. Se plantea descubrir qué conceptos se barajan acerca de los espacios educativos creando tendencias. La metodología de revisión bibliográfica tiene en cuenta la base de datos WOS seleccionando y revisando críticamente 10 publicaciones de actualidad. Se concluye que hay profusión de nuevos conceptos que se barajan teniendo en cuenta la asimilación de estos nuevos espacios, los espacios de aprendizaje y las tecnologías usadas. (...)
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    Unconscious biases in task choices depend on conscious expectations.Carlos González-García, Pío Tudela & María Ruz - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 37:44-56.
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    O ethos da ciência e suas transformações contemporâneas, com especial atenção à biotecnologia.José Luís Garcia & Hermínio Martins - 2009 - Scientiae Studia 7 (1):83-104.
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    Selective forces for the origin of the eukaryotic nucleus.Purificación López-García & David Moreira - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (5):525-533.
    The origin of the eukaryotic cell nucleus and the selective forces that drove its evolution remain unknown and are a matter of controversy. Autogenous models state that both the nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) derived from the invagination of the plasma membrane, but most of them do not advance clear selective forces for this process. Alternative models proposing an endosymbiotic origin of the nucleus fail to provide a pathway fully compatible with our knowledge of cell biology. We propose here an (...)
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  46. Metaphysical nihilism defended: reply to Lowe and Paseau.Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra - 2002 - Analysis 62 (2):172-180.
    I believe in metaphysical nihilism, the thesis that there could have been no concrete objects, because I believe in a version of the subtraction argument, the subtraction argument*, that proves it. But both Jonathan Lowe (2002) and Alexander Paseau (2002) express doubts about the subtraction argument*. Paseau thinks the argument is invalid, and Lowe argues that invoking concrete* objects is unnecessary. Furthermore Lowe attempts to rebut my objections (Rodriguez-Pereyra 2000) to his anti-nihilist argument (Lowe 1998). In this paper I defend (...)
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    Desarrollo del Holocausto a través de fuentes históricas y pensamiento ético. Percepciones del alumnado en enseñanza secundaria.Alejandro López-García - 2022 - Clío: History and History Teaching 48:444-461.
    El siglo XXI ha visto aflorar ultranacionalismos propios del pasado. El neonazismo tiene su razón de ser en el ataque inequívoco contra las minorías, a partir de una ideología racista, xenófoba y excluyente, que tiene como máxima expresión la negación de muchos de los genocidios históricos. Cada vez más partidos de todo el mundo defienden algunas de estas ideas y modelos de pensamiento en sus programas, suavizándolas a la par que van ganando peso en las instituciones e instaurando su discurso (...)
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    Impact of Family and Friends on Antisocial Adolescent Behavior: The Mediating Role of Impulsivity and Empathy.David Álvarez-García, Paloma González-Castro, José Carlos Núñez, Celestino Rodríguez & Rebeca Cerezo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Gabriel Garcia Marquez & the Lost Art of StorytellingOne Hundred Years of Solitude. [REVIEW]Ricardo Gullon, Gabriel García Márquez, Gregory Rabassa & Gabriel Garcia Marquez - 1971 - Diacritics 1 (1):27.
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    Human Distributed Cognition from an Organism-in-Its-Environment Perspective.Jaime F. Cárdenas-García & Tim Ireland - 2017 - Biosemiotics 10 (2):265-278.
    The organism-in-its-environment is recognized as the basic unit of analysis when dealing with living beings. This paper seeks to define the fundamental implications of the concept of the organism-in-its-environment in terms of the biosemiotic concept of human distributed cognition. Human distributed cognition in a biosemiotic context is defined as the ability of a self-referencing organism-in-its-environment to interact with its environment to satisfy its physiological and social needs to survive and sustain itself. The ontogenetic development of the organism-in-its-environment serves as the (...)
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